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As many of you know, I have a strong interest in “Holistic Nutrition” and cancer prevention, management and support and currently finishing a Cancer Holistic Therapy Certification. The research I have read from both sides (conventional and holistic) regarding cancer is very different in their approach to managing this condition. Conventional medicine views it as a disease that must be attacked at the site. For instance, colon cancer will involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation depending on the stage and grade of cells, if it has spread to nearby tissues or metastasized in other location and possibly certain genes involved. This will determine the cocktail of drugs used to treat cancer.

The holistic approach to cancer is viewed as a symptom created from years of unbalanced biochemistry inside your body not functioning properly. It isn’t localized to one area (colon, breast, skin, etc.) but is more likely a problem found throughout the body but lodged itself in that one spot. Removing a cancerous mole on the skin does not remove the cause of how it developed in the first place. Once removed, are you then cancer free?

Most holistic therapies simply aim to reverse and restore unbalanced internal processes; to correct a damaged terrain (environment) where cancer loves to grow and to restore to an environment cancer cannot thrive and survive. What is there to criticize? I often use analogies in my presentations and one such analogy is “you do not become a great swimmer by wearing a swimsuit, you must do a lot more than just that”. Sure Matcha tea can add great benefits to the bottom line but on its own won’t protect you.

There’s not much money to be made in “cancer prevention” because it involves eating a healthy diet, adding specific supplements to replenish what is being robbed by GMO, pesticides, xenoestrogens, E-smog, chemicals in our foods, etc. Why is cancer expected to rise by over 65% worldwide in the next 20 years?

Early detection has improved the outcome of certain cancers but have we won the battle? In today’s world with all the toxicity around us the odds of you being sick are increasing, if you just go with the flow.

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