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Avocados are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. With its monounsaturated fat content as high as 30%, many people fear consuming too much of it. When eaten in a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet (such as a ketogenic diet), this food tops the list. Not only do avocados reduce hunger but they also regulate blood sugar and insulin

and are part of a blood sugar control protocol. Providing close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients (great source of potassium vitamin E, B vitamins), this amazing addition to your diet is also a super star for reducing high blood pressure by providing high potassium necessary to balance sodium-potassium ratio.

The avocado is one of the few foods providing both Vitamin C and E (antioxidants) in significant quantity and a great source of fiber with 4.6g in half an avocado. Consider this food if you suffer from constipation – both high in soluble fiber and healthy fats necessary for proper bowel movement. Avocados help the absorption of fat soluble vitamins because of its high fat content. Avocatin B, a type of fat in avocados, has been shown to combat acute myeloid leukemia. This fat was able to wipe out the leukemia stem cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Finally, it is one of the safest crop in terms of pesticides application – it is not necessary to buy organic . If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it’s been shown to increase sensitivity to pollen, therefore it would be wise to avoid during high pollen season.

Marie-Josée Brown, (BSc. AHN, ROHP)

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