Every pregnant woman has been told to take folic acid to prevent spina bifida, a common knowledge….but let’s dive deeper into why folic acid isn’t folate/methylfolate, the form needed for overall health.
One of the most important genes in the methylation process is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). This gene takes folate and converts it to methylfolate, which has a complicated role in the DNA methylation process. When dietary consumption of folate is low or a person has an MTHFR mutation, the methylation process can be reduced by 40-70%. This hypo-methylation in effect gives oncogenes the green light, which can result in the development of cancer. Over 50% of the population has the MTHFR mutation gene. Consuming folate-rich foods or taking a methylfolate supplement can avert this process. So, when it comes to genetic health, folate is a superstar. B9 or folate is a water-soluble vitamin, must be taken every day and has numerous genetic processes –as well as the metabolism and the production of red blood cells. Folate is necessary for the formation of the DNA base adenine and guanine – these are two of the four bases needed to make DNA. Humans are not capable of synthesizing folate in the body, which means we must rely on diet or supplementation. The top sources of folate are spinach, endive, bok choy, romaine lettuce, asparagus, turnip greens, goose and duck liver.
When we don’t eat enough folate-rich foods, fatigue sets in, anxiety, increases the risk of miscarriages, thyroid problems, and a type of anemia causing a decrease in red blood cell production. Folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, is added to grains and supplements such as prenatal vitamins, but individuals with the MTHFR gene defect cannot metabolize folic acid but more importantly, elevated folic acid levels have the potential to stimulate pre-existing cancer cells in these individuals…and if you fall in the 50% of individuals who do not methylate properly, you are adding fuel to the fire by taking Folic Acid included in your B vitamin. You must make sure it’s a natural folate or methylfolate.
Genetic research often misses the nutrition component involved in metabolic processes.
Orthomolecular Health Practitioners study the form of each vitamin and mineral needed and their correct dose. As I often sarcastically say....60mg of Vitamin C is the Recommended Daily Intake...but that's just to prevent scurvy :-)