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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to our website., is a site that primarily provides nutrition information and services for both groups and individuals.  The information is generic in nature and we take no responsibility for its usage. By accessing and using this website you acknowledge that you have read these conditions and agree, without limitation, to be bound by them.

Privacy Policy


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): Health Practitioners have a legal and professional duty to protect the privacy of client’s personal health information. PIPEDA governs the collection; use, disclosure and access of personal health information and Ascend Corporate Wellness, Inc. follow Chapter P-7.01 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL HEALTH INFORMATION for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.




Ascend Corporate Wellness, Inc. health practitioners must keep all client information confidential. Failure to maintain confidentiality can be considered professional misconduct. Paper records are kept under lock and key. Computer records are password protected on computers that have virus protection and are backed up regularly.


Our Website is committed to the protection of personal information provided to us. Our Website follows various principles concerning the collection, storage and use of personal information.  Accordingly we have a privacy policy which deals with:

  • The way we collect, use and disclose personal information;

  • The way we protect the quality and security of such personal information;

  • The way that access can be granted to personal information held by us;

  • The manner of dealing with any complaints concerning the correctness of or access to personal information held by us.

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